Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My first two colors.

Yesterday, we took the True Color test. My main color was an orange. This color is most definitely me. I act on a moment's notice, I don't take very many things seriously, I do everything I can to make things fun, I need fun, excitement, variety, and stimulation, I value skill, resourcefulness, and freedom, and I'm a natural trouble-shooter, a performer, and a competitor. Those are the main traits of an orange and I obtain all of them. I can not focus on one thing very easily, and orange need everything to be hands on, which is definitely what I need. I rarely ever plan ahead. Everything is a spur of the moment kind of deal. It is very hard for me to follow rules and respect authority, which to most people, isn't the greatest trait to have. My second color was green. Green find themselves not able to follow rules and trying to make up their own. They also find themselves wanting some time to think for themselves when they're around their family. Both of those things can defintely relate to an orange. I don't know very many ways these two relate. Green get easily bored if the subject holds no interest, and that definitely relates to how the orange side of me can't focus very easily. They both value intelligence, freedom, resourcefulness, and integrity. Those are some ways my second color relates to my first.

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